2024.1-至今 福建农林大学菌草与生态学院 副教授
2023.6-2023.12 福建农林大学资源与环境学院 副教授
2022.2-2023.5 福建农林大学资源与环境学院 讲师
2019.1-2022.1 福建农林大学生命科学学院 博士后
2013.9-2018.12 南京农业大学 博士
1. Xu F#, Liao H#, Yang J#, Zhang Y#, Yu P#, Cao Y, Fang J, Chen S, Li L, Sun L, Du C, Wang K, Dang X, Feng Z, Cao Y, Li Y, Zhang J, Xu W*. (2023) Auxin-producing bacteria promote barley rhizosheath formation. Nature Communations 14, 5800.
2. Xu F#, Liao H#, Zhang Y, Yao M, Liu J, Sun L, Zhang X, Yang J, Wang K, Wang X, Ding Y, Liu C, Rensing C, Zhang J, Yeh K, Xu W*. (2022) Coordination of root auxin with the fungus Piriformospora indica and bacterium Bacillus cereus enhances rice rhizosheath formation under soil drying. The ISME Journal 16, 801–811.
3. Xu F#, Wang K#, Yuan W#, Xu W*, Liu S, Kronzucker H, Chen G, Miao R, Zhang M, Ding M, Xiao L, Kai L, Zhang J*, Zhu Y*. (2019) Overexpression of rice aquaporin OsPIP1;2 improves yield by enhancing mesophyll CO2 conductance and phloem sucrose transport. Journal of Experimental Botany 70, 671–681.
4. Xu F#, Song T#, Wang K#, Xu W, Chen G, Xu M, Zhang Q, Liu J, Zhu Y, Rensing C, Zhang J*, Yuan W*. (2020) Frequent alternate wetting and drying irrigation mitigates the effect of low phosphorus on rice grain yield in a 4-year field trial by increasing soil phosphorus release and rice root growth. Food and Energy Security 9, e206.
5. Weng L#, Zhang M#, Wang K#, Chen G, Ding M, Yuan W, Zhu Y, Xu W, Xu F*. (2020) Potassium alleviates ammonium toxicity in rice by reducing its uptake through activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase to enhance proton extrusion. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 151, 429–437.
6. Wang K#, Xu F#,*, Yuan W, Zhang D, Liu J, Sun L, Cui L, Zhang J, Xu W*. (2021) Rice G protein γ subunit qPE9-1 modulates root elongation for phosphorus uptake by involving 14-3-3 protein OsGF14b and plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Plant Journal 107, 1603–1615.
7. Zhang M#, Wang Y#, Chen X#, Xu F#, Ding M, Ye W, Kawai Y, Toda Y, Zeng H, Xiao L, Xu J, Guo S, Yan F, Shen Q, Xu G, Kinoshita T*, Zhu Y*. (2021) Plasma membrane H+-ATPase overexpression increases rice yield via simultaneous enhancement of nutrient uptake and photosynthesis. Nature Communication 12, 735.
8. Wang K#, Xu F#, Yuan W, Sun L, Wang S, Aslam M, Zhang J, Xu W*. (2021) G protein γ subunit qPE9-1 is involved in rice adaptation under elevated CO2 concentration by regulating leaf photosynthesis. Rice 14, 67
9. Wang K#, Xu F#, Yuan W*, Feng Z, Sun L, Xu W*. (2022) The G protein γ subunit is important for nitrogen uptake and grain yield in rice under elevated CO2. Plant and Soil doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05707-8.
10. Song T#, Xu F#, Yuan W#, Chen M, Hu Q, Tian Y, Zhang J*, Xu W*. (2019). Combining alternate wetting and drying irrigation with reduced phosphorus fertilizer application reduces water use and promotes phosphorus use efficiency without yield loss in rice plants. Agricultural Water Management 223, 105686–105697.
11. Song T#, Xu F#, Yuan W#, Zhang Y#, Liu T, Chen M, Hu Q, Tian Y, Xu W*, Zhang J*. (2018). Comparison on physiological adaptation and phosphorus use efficiency of upland rice and lowland rice under alternate wetting and drying irrigation. Plant Growth Regulation 86, 195–210.
12. 许飞云,张英娇,王小云,孙乐云,许卫锋. (2021) 中度干旱胁迫下内生真菌印度梨形孢对旱稻根系细胞膜H+-ATPase的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报 27, 676–684.
13. 许飞云,张茂星,曾后清,朱毅勇. (2016) 水稻根系细胞膜质子泵在氮磷钾养分吸收中的作用. 中国水稻科学 30, 106–110.
1. 许飞云,许卫锋,袁伟,张仟,刘建平,王珂. 一株硝基还原假单胞菌及其在水稻抗旱、促生中的应用,202211096063.2;
2. 许卫锋,许飞云,袁伟,刘建平,张仟,王珂. 水稻腺苷三磷酸双磷酸酶基因OsAPY2及其应用,202211067327.8;
1. 国家自然科学基金,42307419,2024/01-2026/12,在研,主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划,2022YFD1900705,2022/11-2025/12,在研,主持;
3. 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,JAT220063,2022/10-2025/10,在研,主持;
4. 中国博士后科学基金,2020M671920,2020/05-2022/03,在研,主持;